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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

First Chemo Treatment- Day Zero

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 10:07 pm on Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ok, so we have our first chemo treatment under our belts today Tuesday September 15, 2015.  I can’t lie and say I wasn’t nervous.  In fact I began feeling guilty when she saw me open the car door at home and she trotted over to go for a bye bye ride, tail wagging, smiling.

This visit started out better than the last one because of the simple fact that she peed OUTSIDE instead of INSIDE.  That being said she still tried to terrorize a miniature sheltie and a mastiff whose head was about as big as her…….well, as HER.  The mastiff looked at her and didn’t flinch or change expression.  I thought “yeah me too buddy….the nerve”.  His owner looked at Patches did a double take, looked at me and we had a laugh.  Thank God, I needed it.  Aside from trying to leave pretty much from the time we got there and the bark offs with the other two she was great.

The oncology nurse who attended surgery and cared for her afterward came out to get her for her treatment and gave Patches a hug and a nice greeting.  I looked at her, went to say hello….and started crying.  Hm.  Not the impression I was going for.  She was SO nice.  I guess I was scared.  More than I thought.  So they changed it up for me a little so that I could talk to the vet (again) first before chemo.  I talked to the vet and let her know I was scared in general, scared of side effects, scared of something called extravasation and did I mention scared.  This vet is the bomb diggity guys.  Jennifer Baez at Cares in Langhorne PA.  She’s just…..amazing.  We talked and while we discussed I asked if she’d heard about metronomic therapy.  She replied “well yes, that’s what we do after the carboplatin”.  I was sold.  She is also a big Patches fan.   Patches is a Dr. B fan too but I had to walk back to the treatment area with Patches because when Dr. Baez tried to take her without me, Patches sat her little three-legged ass down and wasn’t about to budge.  And I don’t know a soul in their right mind who would try to drag a three wheeler with such a cute little face so like the guilty trooper that I am……I walked her back to the room.  And snuck out when she turned around.  And then I waited while they did blood work (they do that frequently to make sure her counts are able to withstand platinum based therapy) and then the chemo IV.  All said it was maybe 45 minutes.  While I waited I read a magazine, stole a box of tissues (proudly I didn’t kick the entire box) and played on my phone.

Then a door opened and I heard the now familiar “click click…..thump” of my little tripawd and when I turned to see her she was RUNNING toward me smiling with her tail wagging.  I was mighty happy to see her too.  They gave her nausea meds before she even left, gave me some for home, talked me through the visit and then I checked out.  I was pleasantly surprised that the cost was nowhere near what I expected and was more than willing to pay.  It was in the zip code of $300 and change. I live in NJ.  You can hardly get Double bubble for $300 and change (slight exaggeration) so I was downright giddy.

And now we wait.  And pray.  Patches came home and did what she does best- barked at the six year old little boy across the street, barked at the neighbor in his driveway, ate a can of tuna and two pieces of chicken jerky, burped and went to sleep.

As this is a first time treatment for us, I will give daily updates.  Prayers, kind words, support and happy emojis are ALL welcome.  Thank you for reading.  Have a wonderful day/night.






September 15, 2015 @ 10:24 pm   Reply

Thanks for the great update! We u derstand your emotions completely!!



September 15, 2015 @ 10:30 pm   Reply

Well…gurss I hit submit while trying to fix a typo (which I know better because I would be all day trying to type one sentence)!

Now that you have this experience under your belt next time will be a breeze…relatively speaking of course!!

Sou ds like Patches sailed through this like a champ. My Happy Hannah a BULL Mastiff sailed through her chemo with no problems. At the very most, Patches may experience a little nausea or a bit of tiredness, but it doesn’t sound like she will.

You chronicled your day very well. I know it wasn’t fun for you, but you had us smiling! Burping before taking a nap is always a good thingx!

We’re right by your side if you need us for anyting, okay? Relax and go enjoy your day…Patches sure is!!

Hugs a d love!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!



    September 16, 2015 @ 5:42 pm   Reply

    Thank you Sally. I’m so happy you are here and helping me. We did have one episode of “barfing” (not barKing) at 2am but I suspect it’s because unbeknownst to me my son gave Patches a plate of little steak cubes that he shared from his dinner. I basically said “WHHAAaaaaat?”. He said she looked like she hadn’t eaten in “years”. Um…..a can of tuna and chicken jerky an hour ago is maybe a year in dog years but not human years. It was basically a pile of undigested steak. She proceeded to eat her tuna this morning…..until I snuck the anti-nausea pills in. I will leave her alone though if she’s eating. Instead of pretending I’m going to sleep in my bed tonight I’m just gonna start and end up on the floor with her 🙂



September 16, 2015 @ 2:38 am   Reply

Oh congrats on getting that over with! Definitely not an easy place to be but you guys rocked it! And did you see how great Patches did? Worked that scene like a champ, probably cause there were treats involved right?

I think we sent Dr. Baez some of our brochures, her name sounds very familiar, probably on our mailing list. If you see a brochure with Jerry on it, that’s us!

OK, well here’s to an uneventful week of ZERO side effects!!

P.S. Very proud of you for doing your research and learning about potential problems like extravasation. I will tell you that the only time we’ve seen it happen here (just 2x in 8 years) I believe the chemo was done by a GP vet, so no need to worry OK?

Keep us posted!



    September 16, 2015 @ 5:49 pm   Reply

    Jerry, thank you so much for your support. God……thank God I found this site. I would bet Dr. Baez has your brochures. She’s such a doll. I was too rattled yesterday to ask or look but when we go back for blood work I’m going to snoop……er…..look around. I just love her. Now, Patches did throw up at 2am but if you see my reply to Sally, I think it’s because we all felt sorry for her after chemo and fed her too much. She was back to eating tuna fish this morning until I snuck her Cerenia into it. Bad mom I will leave well enough alone from now on if she’s eating but she looked a little off and I am SO anxious. I’m hoping she will be better heading into this afternoon. GOd……it’s so SCARY. And thank you for being proud of my research. I’m pathetically analytic by nature and have a health care degree so research is my second middle name and I’m a VORACIOUS reader so I’m going through this site and wow……the information is spectacular. I’m reading books, sites, research publications… name it. I think my little doll is in good hands. And Patches IS a little champ. I wish I would have videotaped her barking at the mastiff. She’s all pulling on the leash, I’m chuckling along with his owner and the mastiff is sitting there with his droopy eyes tongue hanging out not moving an inch. He was like “do you hear a noise? If you do……I don’t care….”. I needed the moment of levity. They say Canaan dogs are independent and hardy. I guess having survived in the desert for hundreds of years with no humans to speak of will do that and she is no exception. But make no mistake, Canaan or not, she is a snuggle bug and a lap puppy. Until she sees a mastiff 😉 Have a great day Jerry. Thank you for the encouragement. more later xo

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