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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Day 6 Post-Chemo

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 1:11 pm on Monday, September 21, 2015

Hm…..I feel lucky to know what day it is at all though things are looking up.  So, first, my little 94 year old grandmother is actually doing a little better though on Saturday and Sunday I was in tears with worry.  As I was furiously continuing my quest to complete my move by cleaning and loading, blah blah blah.  I was pretty busy.  And Patches was pretty blah on day four.  To the point where she really didn’t eat anything.  I was upset to say the least.  Though on Sunday (yesterday according to my fancy calculations……and my calendar) she did eat much better.  Turkey for breakfast, pork spare rib meat for dinner.  It was funny though, at dinner I offered her more turkey and she was completely disinterested.  I immediately got concerned thinking that she was nauseous again, maybe feeling sick again………my son politely said “step aside mom and watch this” after which he put down his plate that held meat he and his dad had trimmed off their ribs.  To say she inhaled it would be ladylike.  Not only did she eat every last scrap she licked the plate for 10 minutes afterward to get all the “aroma” as well lol.  Eats like her mom 🙂  So, all in all she had a pretty decent week.  To sum it up, a little nausea, two episodes of vomiting (most likely due to overfeeding out of fear) and some loose-ish stools but overall little girl is feeling good.  So good in fact that she got away from me…….again.  Not because she was faster but because she was more alert than I.  She took off from zero to 60 to run to see her friend Bear.  She got to the street (luckily we get practically zero traffic) and said hi by the time I got there.   And then refused to budge.  We had to carry the little darling back to the yard.  She took it like she usually does……..with a look of “don’t worry, at SOME point today your shoes will be unguarded”.

She’s my little champ.  My brave girl, my hero and my heart.  Thank for for following our journey.  Next challenge- get a picture with the tripawds bandanna on her.  That will be a breeze compared to this past week.

As always, I would be remiss if I didn’t say thank you to all the people reading, praying and providing kind words and support.  It has helped me through the entire process so far and I’m looking to pay it forward and then some.  More to come of course but thankfully the first week after chemo is done and we think we are going to have a better week based on what she’s telling us.  I have more pictures and videos too.  I hope everyone had a great weekend and has an uneventful Monday.


Debbie And Patches




September 21, 2015 @ 4:41 pm   Reply

Hey Debbie, glad that Grandma is doing better. Who can blame you for being upset, that is a LOT going on in your life right now.

And as for you Patches..our Wyatt agrees, what THEY have is always better tasting.

Glad you’re doing well. Here’s to a great week!



    September 21, 2015 @ 5:03 pm   Reply

    Hi Jerry, thanks so much 🙂 I’m feeling way better today but even in times of mighty stress I try to take one thing at a time and breathe deep. My peeps and dogs need me to be sane lol. Thank you for the kind words and for checking in on my grandmom. I love that Wyatt and Patches know stuff I don’t. I hope you’re doing well too. Soon to come, I managed to get pictures of Patches in her tripawd bandanna. She was like a professional model. She’s sexy and she knows it haha. I hope you have a wonderful awesome spectacular day. I know I’m going to. Patches ate like a pig and she’s snoring. No better feeling.



September 21, 2015 @ 10:42 pm   Reply

Such a good update all the way around!

I lpve that Patches is BEING PATCHES and taking advantage of her tripawdness every chance she gets!!

Isn’t amazing how.much better food tastes to a dog when it comes from our plate?

It’s hard, but focus on the joy of the moment…each and every sacred treasured moment…and kick the worrying to the curb! It can interfere with the day to day business of spoiling Patches!! 🙂

CLEARLY Patches is getting on with her life! I think she and Bear should have a scheduled playdate every day. Looks like they’ll make it happen one way or another!

Will be looking forward ro more great updates ANN pictures and video!!

A great big YAY to everyone!! Give Grandma and YAY from us too!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!



    September 22, 2015 @ 1:09 am   Reply

    Thank you Sally! Yes, things are settling down and going smoothly. Patches is being adorable and eating and yep, just being herself. It’s so amazing to see and it is ALWAYS amazing how things from our plates taste better than things from their bowl even if they’re the SAME things lol. She is TOTALLY spoiled, which means I’m meeting my goal haha. And now that things have normalized, yes, we stay in the present and just enjoy her and her brother and their ridiculous cuteness! So I now have great pictures of her in her bandanna, I’ll figure out how to post, videos to come. I hope you have a great night. Thank you for all of your kind words and encouragement!
    Debbie and Patches

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