I’m Getting the Hang of the Picture Thing :)
It was easier to get pictures than I thought it would be.  I think maybe she can read and she agreed that little tripawds do indeed rule 🙂  Next up, videos!
Have a great night/day/week.
Debbie And Patches
September 22, 2015 @ 2:46 am
Patches you are beautiful!! Such a kissable face!
September 22, 2015 @ 12:13 pm
Thank you! She is a big hit with the boy dogs. There was a big white samoyed puppy who followed her everywhere when he would come to see her. To her he was a big dumb puppy and wouldn’t give him the time of day. One day it happened……….he was following her closely, he got distracted, she stopped, he didn’t and his face went smack into her canaanass. She turned around and growled, teeth and all. He wagged his tail and smiled like “ooohhhhh, I like ’em feisty”. I think it’s the white eyelashed lol. Have a great day!
Debbie and Patches
September 22, 2015 @ 3:29 am
YAY!! You did it!
Patches, you are a fashionista pretty girl! Such a pretty, pretty girl! And you look just as content as can be….sweet!
And videos next…can’t wait!!!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
September 22, 2015 @ 12:15 pm
Thank you Sally 🙂 We think she’s rather gorgeous too. She’s usually a hit with the boy dogs too though she only had eyes for one…….the black and white border collie across the street. Theirs was a quiet love. LOL, he was as stoic as she and they would just sit and stare into each others eyes. His sister had a crush on our Rooster. It was hilarious. We are good friends with our neighbors because we figured if our dogs were in love we must be good people. I could tell Patches stories allllllllll day. But I’ll do it little by little so I don’t clog up the site 🙂
thank you for your kind words
Debbie and Patches
September 22, 2015 @ 4:45 pm
You keep those
September 22, 2015 @ 4:47 pm
Well now, let’s try this again! You keep those stories coming. We love hearing about Patches and her gang…including the Rooster love story!
Yeah, if the dogs get along, that’s a good sign that their humans are good souls too!
September 23, 2015 @ 1:28 pm
Aww, thank you Sally. I will keep the stories coming as I love talking about my babies. Last night was “fun”…..at 4am Patches decided she wanted into bed and had her paw on the side of the bed. I woke to see her face in my face, tail wagging. I put her in and she immediately hogged half the bed. I had her there till she got up. How can you not love them?
Have a great day!
Debbie And Patches
September 23, 2015 @ 11:10 am
Oh, she is SO CUTE! Thank you for sending me a link to this. The vets suspects that Izzy has OSA, too but we don’t have biopsy results yet. I’m on the fence about chemo … one, Izzy is nearly 12 and the cost is, well, prohibitive. That said, it’s encouraging to read about Patches and how well she is tolerating treatment.
Love the photos – I finally managed to post one, too! I have so many, maybe I should start a blog just so I can show off my girl haha 🙂
September 23, 2015 @ 1:31 pm
I’ll have to thank Sally as I think she might have provided the link. She is the sweetest. Thank you for the compliments. We think she’s kind of adorable too.
So, my vet suspected osteosarcoma as well but after getting home and reading up on the disease I knew that it was osteosarcoma. The signs were just all there. It’s a nasty disease but we’re fighting with everything we’ve got provided Patches is on board. The costs are indeed a nightmare and I feel for anyone who wants to keep going but financially cannot. My heart goes out to them. No matter what, having this community for information and support is amazing.
And yes, I want to see pictures! You can start a free blog and get her little face out there. I love pictures and I can’t wait to see her.
Have a great day
Debbie and Patches