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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Four Weeks One Day post Amputation

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 12:47 pm on Friday, September 25, 2015

So, yesterday was the four week mark post amputation.  How would I sum up the experience as a whole?  Well, what they neglected to tell me that was when they removed her one leg they made the other three hollow.  My girl is EATING.  I won’t say how much but her brother glanced over at her salmon and she gave him hell.  Oh is she ever back.  She hasn’t given her brother food grief in YEARS.  Her fur has grown in around her incision, she’s being herself in every aspect of her and she’s joyous again.  Tuesday was a week post chemo and she is like “chemo?  What chemo?”.  So, what’s next?  Today we get blood work to see how her counts are.  If all goes well we will get the next round of chemo on october 6th.  My guess is her blood work will be ok.  I plan on asking the vet if she knows just how aggressive her disease is.  I just want to know exactly what I’m up against to a more refined degree.  I can’t be too informed.  I want to ask about the K9 Immunity supplements and the Apocaps.  I want to know when we will do more x-rays to assess whether or not there is disease progression in her lungs.  In other words, the initial shock and denial has worn off and my inner warrior has removed the kid gloves and is getting fiercer by the day.  Patches is in total agreement.  We marvel at her spirit, her pluck, her joy and and love for us and her brother.

I’ll end with a cute note.  4am Wednesday morning……I’m sound asleep when I “feel” eyes on me, hot breath on my face and hear a rustle.  I open my eyes and there is Patches on the side of the bed, one paw on the bed, butt firmly planted on the floor, tail wagging, eyes beseeching, little white eyelashes fluttering.  Ok, I lifted her into bed so she could snuggle in with me and brother.  Before I could get back in bed……she took my spot, dogs own the bed, what’s a human to do?  I slept in her bed for a while.  After a miserable 30 seconds we agreed to share the same zip code and made a human in the bed sandwich.  Oh my DOG so cute.

……..and her heart grew three sizes…..


Debbie And Patches



   Paula Ehlers

September 25, 2015 @ 3:36 pm   Reply

Bravo! I’m so happy things are going well! At times this journey can be difficult, and it’s wonderful to see the “up” side. We are 15 mos post amp and going strong. Love your Grinch comment at the end…..I feel my heart has grown also with love for my cancer warrior!

Paula and Nitro



    September 28, 2015 @ 7:08 pm   Reply

    LOL, thanks Paula. I love the grinch. But I love my dog more. It is a difficult journey. Sometimes I forget that the surgery isn’t the end. Sometimes I pretend life is normal. For her, life IS the new normal. Even though my heart is heavy at times I find joy in every minute she’s here with us. Now…did Nitro have osteosarcoma? 15 months and counting is a fantastic result. I’ll never top trying as long as my girl is on board and happy.

    Thank you for your kind words!
    Debbie and Patches



September 25, 2015 @ 3:39 pm   Reply

LOVIN’ THIS UPDATE!!! Can’t stop smilin’ at all the visuals!

Patches is back and her sparkle is brighter than before! YAY!

Yes,dogs do indeed own the bed. And you are so right, they want to lay exactly where we were laying! Too funny!

Seeing all her normal routines come back…even if it means growling at ner brother…best feeling ever! And it’s so cute how wuickly they learn that, as a tripawd they can get away with anything!!!

You are doing a GREAT job of Being More Dog/Patches! What a great team!

Big hugs to you Patches and Brudda’!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Don’t forget to take lots and pictures and post some here! Some great advice someone here gave me….make sure you include yourself in some of the pictures and take pictures of Patches just doing some cute normal everyday routines. They make great photos for your family album.



    September 28, 2015 @ 7:12 pm   Reply

    Hey Sally, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! We are doing well. Patches is doing great! She even slipped past her dad and ran across the lawn to eat, I mean VISIT another buddy. I’m telling you she’s FAST. It’s great to see her so happy and her brother is back to running out the door first even if it means a gentle nudge to her backside. In other words, they are back to their happy selves. I get teary sometimes but I thank God we went through with the surgery and the treatment. The quality time we are getting is priceless. I have more pictures to upload but you’re RIGHT, I do need to get me in some of them. I’m so busy getting pictures of her and her brudda that I don’t get any with me. I’ll need one and soon.
    I hope you’re doing great and having a good start to your week.
    Debbie and Patches



September 27, 2015 @ 12:05 am   Reply

Don’t you love how their sparkle comes back? We are 1 week behind you in this journey and it just amazes me how fast they come back. Patches you GO! Great update!



    September 28, 2015 @ 7:13 pm   Reply

    I have to say, this little girl literally hopped out of the vets office as quickly as she could the day after surgery. She amazes me, what a brave little dog. She’s my hero. I hope you are doing as well as we are on this journey. It’s a rough road with she and I have each other and brother and family so together we are fighting with all we’ve got.
    Hugs to your baby and wishes for the best outcome on your journey.
    Debbie and Patches



September 27, 2015 @ 9:46 pm   Reply

LOVE love love this:

“my inner warrior has removed the kid gloves and is getting fiercer by the day. Patches is in total agreement.”




    September 28, 2015 @ 7:14 pm   Reply

    LOL, though we be tiny, we be mighty. Thanks Jerry, we are rocking like Gibralter.
    Debbie and Patches

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