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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Current Affairs

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 7:24 pm on Monday, September 28, 2015

So….it might be a good sign that I’m no longer knowing how many days/hours/minutes and seconds it’s been since diagnosis, surgery, chemo……..Things have settled down.  Patches has new soft fur that covers her incision, she is eating like a little pig (big salmon filet, half of a huge boiled chicken breast with rice), occasionally sharing with her brother and chasing random, unsuspecting ‘friends’ before we can notice or catch her.  I pet her constantly, she is out in the yard sunning and snoring for hours every day.  She is happy and we are loving her.  And her brother too.  And what’s nice is that he’s no longer pushing her out of the way when I pet her.  He is MY dog and I am HIS human.  He gets pissed when my SON hugs me so this is huge for him.  And her, as she really loves the hugs, kisses and cuddles and now comes seeking them out.  Who knew?  I love her, I love him, I love them so much I could explode.

One new thing, I did take Patches for blood work on Friday.  Let me digress for one second……they get results on the SAME DAY, in maybe 15 or 20 minutes.  Why can’t human labs or offices be this efficient?  Ok, aside over.  So, this visit was great, no sissing on carpets or sidewalks, no ‘terrorizing’ dogs that look like horses, no barking even.  Just some suspicious glances about and sidling toward the door nonchalantly with a “oh look, the door, how about we go through it and then go to the car” look on her face.  I’m with ya sister.  Anyway, her neutrophils were a little low but not low enough to warrant antibiotics, especially given how she eats.  I also found out her mitotic rate was 7.  In the nurses words, on the high side but not the highest they’ve seen.  Thought- now what the hell does THAT mean”..said “how can I find out what exactly that means?”.  I’ll be talking to the doctor at our next chemo appointment on October 6th.  And until then I’ll be blowing up the internet trying to get more info.

For now, she continues to jack up the food bill and turn down her used to be favorite treats.  One thing is for sure………she is eating like royalty.  🙂  And will continue to do so for the duration.  Until the next brain download,


Debbie and Patches




September 29, 2015 @ 2:58 pm   Reply

Patches, humans are so sillu! We “consult” with this crazy doctor named Dr. Google all the time! A d this so called doctor gives advice all the time and he doesn’t even know you!

He has no clue how great you are doing and how good you feel and how you are living life to the fullest!! You could care less about reports with numbers in them!
You and your brother are living in the moment and not worrying about a thing!! You two need to go chew that computer up and get your momma cooking more salmon and steak! Yeah, Surf and Turf every night!

Always lpve reading your updates….they’re even better with pictures though..hint!! You and your brother are very loved pups, that’s for sure!

And I love you all!!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!



    October 2, 2015 @ 9:04 pm   Reply

    We humans are NUTS. No doubt about it. Nuts about our dogs. Sometimes I get short sighted. I’ve settled on her treatment and rather than worry I need to just enjoy her. And enjoy her I am. Today her and her brother had fresh pork chops and rice lol. And she got a full body massage. She was practically purring. Her and her brother are so dear and I thank you for reading, commenting and keeping me real. I promise more pictures. I have soooooooooooo many. I have to get the video of her brother smiling on command in the blog for you. It’s absolutely adorable.
    Debbie and Patches

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