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This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Barking and Eating……….and eating….

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 5:53 pm on Monday, November 23, 2015

So we’ve had one whole week of Palladia.  And so far so good.  I hate to speak too soon but really, she seems to have had no effects to date.  I am astounded by the amount of food this dog can eat.  The vet report used the word “obesity”.  Those are fighting words people.  My dog is NOT obese and if she heard you say that……well, I give her permission to bite.  BUT……I have it in the back of my mind that she probably shouldn’t gain any more weight.  I don’t want her to lose weight either.  I just don’t know how much to let her eat before I cut her off.  She loves to eat and I love to feed her.  Lately it’s been rotisserie chicken and lunch meat chicken.  Every time someone goes to the kitchen or even stands up and glances in that direction……….she is off and running.  She isn’t a dog who will eat herself sick either.  She stops when she’s full.  Which seems to be, like, never.  I’m not complaining.  I will just see how much gravity she’s sucking up at her next visit and take it from there.

And then there’s the barking.  Oh boy does she love to be outside with her brother just barking at anything and nothing.  I swear, I jump up and down about 50 times an hour to check on her.  and darn if she doesn’t look up every time I check and just smile…….she would love for me to sit outside and bark with her.  One of us has to work.  Well, I guess she thinks she’s working too by warning me that the wind is blowing and squirrels are out and about.  She barks with happy abandon and gusto.  I’m getting my exercise 🙂

She’s so happy.  It’s all I can hope for.  One more week of therapy and then blood work.  And then next steps.  For now she’s just overjoyed and eating and barking.  Me too 🙂


Debbie and Patches



November 24, 2015 @ 5:31 am   Reply

Aww that is so sweet! I love how this journey makes even barking at the wind seem so adorable and special.

Regarding the eating…have you tried things like green beans, carrots, etc.? Super low cal? Will she eat them?


    November 24, 2015 @ 4:23 pm   Reply

    Thank you, she really is sweet. And I just realized that she’s barking to get me to come outside with her! She might like me a little. hehe. As for veggies……trust me, I’ve tried so many things with her that I’ve kind of taking the stance that I’ll just stretch it out and not give her quite as much as I normally would. I feel like it’s a gold medal performance just getting her to take her pills and thanks to deli turkey it’s been a breeze. I will just hope that all the activity negates the calories. Something that is new however is her wetting her bed. I don’t know if she’s just sleeping so soundly she doesn’t even know she did it or if she just doesn’t feel like getting up. I’ll talk to the vet. She still gets up and goes outside but man……..when she’s sleeping it takes a mini-quake to get her up. Everything else is normal and I thought maybe the medicine makes her tired but she is active when she goes out and everything else seems fine. I’ll take it if this is the only thing that’s going to happen. Thanks for the kind words and suggestions!
    Debbie and Patches


November 25, 2015 @ 5:20 am   Reply

Such a delightful update! You’re cracking me up over here with your little ,”side comments”!

Shame on that vet for using the word ,”obesity” on our sweet Patches! Grrrr…….

Fluffy, well muscled, big boned…but not OBESE! Besides, when a dog is as sweet as Patches is you have to have plenty of room to store all that sugar!!

I wonder is the peeing in bed is a side effect of Palladia? I jave no clue.

I’m really glad Patches is feeling so great and has all his sparkle back. Yeah, the joys we now find in everyday things like barking…pure bliss!!

Deb, you are doing a great job of being more dog! Of course, with such a great role model like Patches it’s a little easier!

As far as helping a dog keep their weight down…I’m not good at that! My Happy Hannah was a bit “chunky”. I know on this jkurney itsw really, really hard not to give them anything and everything they want…including treats and a scoop of ice cream every now and then!

So glad to see this good update. Keep em coming!

Love and hugs!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


    November 26, 2015 @ 12:12 am   Reply

    LOL I’m glad you understand me so well Sally 🙂 I like to say she’s under tall and over fluffy. I also like that she needs room to store the extra sugar. I’m telling you, she just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I never thought it was possible. As for tinkling the bed (I’ve been calling her tinkle bell), it seems to have abated. I think she was just sleeping VERY soundly and didn’t realize she’d done it. She’s doing really well and no matter what I’m enjoying her and her brother so much. She is now to the point where she “calls” me to stay outside with her and she’s my second shadow. I have been giving her good food, maybe slightly less but still good. I cracked up today though. Her brother had a bone, he dropped it to go and do something important, probably drink out of the toilet, and she picked that bone up and trotted over to her treat carpet. Ahhh, still trying to push her brother’s buttons. Successfully I might add. It’s really all good. As always, you are a bright light on the sight and I enjoy your comments and encouragement. Thank you so much,
    love and hugs,
    Debbie and Patches

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