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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Smooth-ish Sailing

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 1:48 pm on Wednesday, December 2, 2015

So we had our first post-Palladia initiation vet visit yesterday.  Patches is doing great (vets exact words) on the Palladia, she gets five more  weeks of treatment and then we see if it’s working.  Blood work was great, no weight gained, no weight lost.  And she really IS doing great.  She is her usual self and that makes me super happy.  She met some new friends.  A pug named Boo who was adorable.  She really seemed to like him as they went nose to nose with zero barking.  And a big old yellow lab who was adorable.  I wasn’t paying attention as I was talking to the vet and his human wasn’t paying attention and then suddenly love blossomed.  By that I mean he was in her face tail wagging, poor girl cant hear that well, he startled her, she barked and she had him at hello.  LOL, funny things do happen at the vets office.  It’s like a support group and therapy all in one. Good thing too cause our visits seem to last forever.

And here’s the twist- last weekend I was watching a show called the Miracle Cure.  It was about medical cannabis with the THC removed and the cannabinoids upped in the crops for the CBD.  They are using CBD (cannabidial) for research purposes in cancer patients.  I was riveted.  The results were promising in patients who couldn’t possibly know about the placebo effect (kids) and patients who could know about it but scans don’t lie.  I approached the vet about it.  She said it can’t hurt so I’m going to give it a try.  And I will update all on how that goes.  If it can’t hurt and it could possibly help then what have we got to lose?  Hopefully in few weeks I’ll have a rastafarian update for everyone.  Otherwise it’s get ready for the holidays, take my last business trip for 2015 to Orlando and catch up on some sleep.  I could also use an attitude adjustment but that has nothing to do with this and everything to do being ready to retire yesterday lol.

Until then I hope everyone is doing as well as we are.


Debbie and Patches (Marley 🙂




December 3, 2015 @ 3:23 am   Reply

so happy for you both! Very interesting about the CBD, good for you for trying new things. Keep us posted, and happy holidays/

Paula and Nitro


    December 7, 2015 @ 5:16 pm   Reply

    Thank you Paula! I will absolutely provide updates on both the Palladia and CBD therapy. I hope to have great info to share. I hope you and the adorable Nitro are well and happy. Happy holidays to you too.
    Debbie and Patches


December 4, 2015 @ 4:31 am   Reply

WOOOHOO! Another great update! We always have people asking about Palladia so I’m so happy I can point them here, you give such great insight about your experience.

As for the cannabis….your vet is pretty darn open minded, that’s great! We do have some posts about it in our Nutrition blog so you might want to check that out too. Otherwise, Jah Mon! Let us know how it goes!


    December 7, 2015 @ 5:18 pm   Reply

    I’m so happy to be able to help someone else no matter what. Please point them here. And I will tell you, I LOVE my vet. She is so sweet. She IS open minded and she loves Patches too, even gave us both a merry Christmas hug. She wants the best for her patients and if trying something like CBD could help, she’s all for it. I can’t wait to see how Patches does on it. The supplements should get here this week. I might need to go out and buy half a cow if she gets a bigger appetite!
    Debbie and Patches


August 9, 2016 @ 9:06 pm   Reply

Hi Debbie and patches,good to hear your doing great.
I’m very intrested in hearing how things went with the CBD treatments for Patches. I use it my self for over a year now and its night and day for me. Mya’s pain is good now and will concider it when the time comes for better pain relief. I’m looking for any info on the other claims of this miracle cure, helping the body to fight on its own. some claiming reduction in toumers and others claiming remission etc.
New ish to the tech side of life so ill wonder around this site and see if there is anymore on the subject.


    August 10, 2016 @ 5:52 pm   Reply

    Hi Yotadog 🙂
    So… already know Patches passed late this past March. So the CBD oil was not the miracle cure I’d hoped it would be for her. But it absolutely had benefits, so many. She had a great appetite while on the CBD oil and she ate very healthy proteins and very not healthy oreos like it was a job. As if sleeping and barking and being petted and hugged and loved by us wasn’t a job enough. Having her well nourished helped keep her blood counts up so her immune system could fight off opportunistic infections. I also think it took away her pain and relaxed her. She never complained, she never was in pain and she never turned down a soft blanky or kiss. I would use it again if the situation were the same. I don’t know if it works in dogs the way it might in humans but it was very worth the investment. I hope this information helps you. If I can help one human, one dog…..I’m glad I can share.
    Debbie and Angel Patches

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