It Happens Sometimes
No one is perfect and someone at the vet’s office effed up in an epic way.  We were scheduled for a scan today.  I couldn’t remember what time and I noticed I hadn’t heard from the vet office to confirm.  So I called them yesterday.  Well guess what, the lovely lady informed me that the oncology professionals were out of the office until Thursday and that our appointment had been canceled.  Would have been nice if someone had told ME.  I was given the option of seeing a different oncologist on Thursday or taking the noon appointment on Monday that oh wait, someone must have just taken it so do I want Thursday ( no other options were presented).  Clearly they had no idea who they were dealing with.  I said no, I won’t take Thursday and you WILL fit me in next week and if I have to come sit in the office for a day……I will.  Mind you I was nice, said I know it wasn’t her fault that no one called me but she could help make it right.  She said she would page my oncologist and call me back when she heard  back.  No call so far.  I’ll be calling later today……and again and again until I have confirmation.  I’m lovely until you mess with my child or my dogs.  Then I’m a stark raving deadly calm lunatic b*tch 🙂  My son knows that when I get calm and no nonsense things are about to get real.
In the mean time, barrels of chicken livers later, my girl is doing, well, awesome.  She played in the horse load of snow that was so lovingly dumped upon our land.  She is still going after her frenemy.  She is eating more than my teenage growing boy son and sleeping comfortably with no wheezing, difficulty breathing or discomfort.  I don’t know if it’s the cannabis or the Palladia but my gut tells me something is going right.  And I still try to stretch every minute out into two while I’m with her and her brother.  I didn’t know if I’d get a month with her let alone five.  What a blessing.  The spoiling has been pretty epic too.  So I guess I can forgive the vet’s office.  But they WILL fit me in 🙂
Thanks for reading, have a great day
Debbie and Patches
February 1, 2016 @ 10:03 pm
Debbie, you’re my hero! Let NO ONE mess with the furkid!
Paula and Nitro
February 3, 2016 @ 3:16 pm
Haha, thank you Paula. I’m in good company here 🙂 Let me know if you ever need some extra muscle lol.
Have a great day, thank you for your kind words and for making me smile (laugh).
Have a great day
Debbie and Patches
February 1, 2016 @ 10:23 pm
Cracking me up over here! 🙂 You go girl!! You are a great advocate for your Patches!!!
I’m sure your strength is a powerful “treatment” for Patches that will continue to help him whoop as*!
Keep doing what your doing it is “going right” indeed!!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
February 3, 2016 @ 3:14 pm
Thank you Sally and gang 🙂
When it comes to my kids……well, let me just say this, my son calls me “Mama Bear” and he means it. When he was in third grade, one of his classmates said something that wasn’t very nice and he said “don’t make me tell my mom on you” and his little buddy chimed in “yeah…….she’s really scary. I’m even scared of her and she LIKES me”. OMG…….Guess I’ve been this way for a while now hehe. I don’t scare the kids anymore but the vets office…….dentist office……teachers….well, I take a firm stance 😉
I hope you and the pack are still awesome and happy. I’m sure you are.
Debbie and Patches
February 1, 2016 @ 11:38 pm
Way to go girl! You tell ’em. Teach them not to mess with you! Hugs
Linda & Spirit Mighty Max
February 3, 2016 @ 3:11 pm
LOL, thank you Linda and spirit Max (xoxo),
When it comes to any of my kids, human or canine, more than one person has learned from experience that I don’t let ANYONE give us less than what they deserve. And guess what, they fit me in 🙂
Hugs to you, love to spirit Max
Debbie and Patches
February 2, 2016 @ 1:34 am
Go Mama Bear! Those vets will bow down before you to fit you in, I just know it.
And it is so good to hear how well Patches is doing and how she is living life to the fullest and being spoiled rotten! One day at a time 🙂 It just doesn’t get any better than that. What a lucky girl she is to have landed in your home!!
Codie Rae and the Oaktown Pack
February 3, 2016 @ 3:10 pm
OMG thank you so much, that’s so sweet of you to say. She really is doing well and I’m learning from her and appreciating every minute….every second with her. I’m lucky she picked me. her brother too.
Oh and yes, the did fit me in 🙂
Have a great day and hugs to you and the pack,
xoxo Debbie and Patches