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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Three Birds, Three Legs

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 2:46 am on Friday, March 31, 2017

So.  My girl has been gone for 367 days.  And I’ve missed her for 367 days.  And tomorrow will be 368.  A year flew by and I know I thought about and missed her in some capacity every single day.  I didn’t post on the one year anniversary.  The last time I posted I cried for two days after.  I didn’t have the heart for it at that time.  I sat and pondered the year past while I was out on my front lawn with Rooster working on Monday the 27th.  It was a rainy Monday, the same Monday a year ago when we had Patches put to sleep.  The date had changed but not the memory or the day.  As I sat there examining the complexity of the year I saw three cardinals land on our huge elm at the end of the driveway.  I hardly ever see cardinals and I believe they are a sign from a loved one on the other side to say hello and to let us know they’re doing well.  They were chirping and flitting about.  And then they all looked straight at me.  I couldn’t figure out the significance of three at first.  I looked at Rooster and he stared back with a somber look.  He knew what day it was.  I don’t know how he knew but he did despite my efforts to remain positive and in the moment with him.  And as I stared into his pretty brown eyes the significance dawned on me.  Three birds………three legs.  I actually smiled.

Yesterday my boyfriend told me his husky, my beloved Thunder (aka pretty boy, blue eyes, Thor God of, lovey) died last weekend.  I was traveling when he died.  I never got to say goodbye.  His family is heartbroken as am I but I was able to console them with my knowledge of what is, what was and what is to come.  As the tripawd community did for me as I endured my heartbreak.  Thunder didn’t have cancer, he was diabetic.  It doesn’t matter.  I still think it’s unfair that dogs get sick like people.  They don’t deserve it.  He was only 7 years old.  My heart break is different this time.  I finally understand what I didn’t understand when Patches died.  Dogs get sick, fair or not.  They die, sometimes before their time, sometimes at an incredibly old age.  It’s heartbreaking.  There’s nothing you can do.  Grief is personal.  Some people cry, some people don’t. Some people need to talk about it, some don’t.  Some people are strong, some are not.  I cried when I needed to, which was often.  I learned who I could lean on for support and who I could not.   I also learned that life goes on whether you want it to or not and that it’s better to have something to live for after they are gone.  That may not always be possible but I do think it helped me focus on where I was going instead of where I’d just come from.  I’ll always be sad.  I’ll always miss her and love her and remember what she and I endured as a team that I hope to never have to go through again. I hope NO one does but we know how that goes.  I’m better for having had my girl.  I’m different from having lost her.  I won’t be the same and I’m not going to place judgement on myself for that.  I have a support system and I always will.  I will always be a part of the tripawd community and be a strength for someone in need.  I will go on living… step at a time.  In time I hope to be softer and not as raw but today is not that time and tomorrow might not be either.  I still have another dog, my boyfriend has another dog.  I love them both and I know I will lose them.  But it will always be different now that I know what I know.  And for that small knowledge, I am grateful.  And with the love for them eternally in my heart and mind, I will always be on the lookout for dandelion sylphs and three little birds.


Debbie and Angel Patches



March 31, 2017 @ 5:19 pm   Reply

Ohhh Debbie, our dear sweet Debbie. You always express the thoughts that originate from that huge heart of yours so beautifully! Patches continues to teach you sooo many life lessons. He is such a good teacher and you are such a good student!

Thank you so much for sharing the lessons you have learned and the way your Soul has expanded on so many levels. We are all learning from you and Patchy. Such a privilege.

I’m so sorry to hear about your boyfriend’s doggy. I KNOW you jave been a tremendous help to them in a way no others can. I’m sure Patchy was part of the Bridge Greeting Committee to show him around his new Paridise where health problems do not exist! And where dogs can eat all the chocolate they want!

WOW!! The three Cardinals on “that” day….a HUGE connection from Patchy!! One Cardinal has a pwerful meaning anyway… but THREE??? Yeah, Patches was letting you know he is watching over you and Rooster for sure! Those “firsts” are pretty rough to say the least. Patche made sure he got a message to you loud and clear…and he did!

Debbie, you REALLY REALLY need to try everything in your power to get to THE pawty! You will be surrounded by friends you feel like you’ve known forever! AND you will be surrounded by people who had the privilege of getting to know the MAGNIFICENT PATCHES! 🙂 🙂

I’ll post the link with lots and lots of post. But the bottom line is we will all gather at Rockwood Park on Saturday, znd then again on Sunday. We have many people spending the night and glady will share a room! We would love it if Rooster could come too! We have something called a “Tribute Leash” where you could place a ribbon to honor Patches. The whole week end really is healing and so full of love that stays with you tbrough all your travels in life 🙂

ovely to hear from you…And it will be even more lovely to meet you!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


March 31, 2017 @ 5:29 pm   Reply

Here’s the link to the first post…And it goes on…and on…and on..from there!


March 31, 2017 @ 6:58 pm   Reply

Awesome expression of your thoughts. Thank you for sharing about your day. I am sorry to hear about your boyfriends dog.

Michelle & Angel Sassy


April 2, 2017 @ 10:09 pm   Reply

What a wonderful expression of the joys and pains of sharing our lived with our furry friends.


April 7, 2017 @ 6:04 pm   Reply

Debbie this was so beautifully said, you are so wise.

I can appreciate how you honor the heartache while coming to terms with the hard truth that there’s no way around it. Yeah, it just isn’t fair that our animals live shorter lives than we do. You fall in love with a dog, they pass away and your heart shatters. It’s a cycle we can’t escape but without an animal’s love in our life, it’s a pretty lonely life I think.

Yes, you always have a support system here. No doubt about that. {{{hugs}}}}

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