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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Dropping By For A Quick Hello

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 5:49 pm on Saturday, July 15, 2017

Even though I am not here much anymore, it’s not for a lack of thinking of my tripawd or my tripawd friends.  I still love her and all of you.  And I still think about her and all of you.  What I think now is different though. The intensity of my grief has lessened on a day to day basis.  If I really let myself wallow……it’s back with a rebound intensity. I try not to think about the details. I try not to think about how much we all still miss her.  What I focus on is the love. The love we gave her, the love we still have for her, all the good that she brought to us and us to her.

I never thought I would recover. At some points I didn’t want to. I wanted to be left alone to hate the fact that my little dog died of cancer. I don’t even know what “Recover” means. I have learned that grief is fluid and VERY individual. And that if even one other person knows where you’ve been and where you are, it helps. It’s so hard to go through what we have gone through, are currently going through and what will we have to go through in the future. I’m better prepared and I know what to do in tough circumstances. A support system is critical.  At least for me.  Talking about my girl, crying and having people give hugs and tell me they understand helped me. There is no magic answer. The pain is worse than I could have imagined but the healing is better than I could have imagined.

I will always be a tripawd. I will always be here. I will always be grateful for everything my tripawd family has done for me. And I talk about you. My cousin’s golden retriever just became a tripawd. You know I sent her here for information.  She loves the site and the people. Thankfully her dog has no metastasis. He is beating the odds.  I love her boy and I think God I could help her. And helping others is what gives me healing.  I hope to finish my book soon. I have no idea how to publish or get it out there but I know that Patches will guide me. It’s her and my gift as a result of our journey. I hope to help more people because it’s what helps me heal.

I may not be here often but Patches and my Tripawd family will be in my heart forever.

Sending love, kisses and hugs.


Debbie and Angel Patches



July 17, 2017 @ 2:37 am   Reply

Good to hear from you Debbie – I think of you and Patches too. I’m glad you are finding some peace and are healing, if only a little. Thank you for your friendship and information; Nitro is still hanging in there, dealing with arthritis and old age, but with me still. Take care, and come back to update us when you can.

Paula and Nitro


    July 25, 2017 @ 1:59 pm   Reply

    Hi Paula,

    Thank you so much for taking the time out of your life with Nitro to extend a kind word of support. I thank you as well for all of your friendship, time and support. I know Nitro is having his own challenges and you are both in my prayers (I saw your blog post). I’m so happy you still have him to love on and kiss. He’s one of the few Tripawd success stories. He’s such a handsome boy and I hope he’s feeling good and enjoying every minute with his amazing human. I will always be here and you know how to reach me for anything you need quickly, even a word of support or hug. I promise to stay in touch. Sending love, hugs and prayers to you and Nitro.


July 19, 2017 @ 4:06 pm   Reply

Awww Debbie. You are so sweet and generous in your love of the community, thank you from the bottom of my heart for returning with an update.

I love that you have been able to find a new focus to soothe your aching heart. That’s huge! Your healing journey can definitely help others and obviously already has with your cousin’s Golden. I’m sorry about the diagnosis but so glad you could be there to help them feel better about amputation. What a gift!

Patches continues to be a big presence in your life and always will be. And here in this community, she is never, ever forgotten.


    July 25, 2017 @ 2:01 pm   Reply

    Thank you thank you THANK YOU! This is why I love all of my tripawd friends. I have learned all that I know from everyone here. Your support is what helped me through. I love paying it forward. Thank you for loving me and my girl and for always keeping us in your mind and heart.


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