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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

I Never Thought I Would, But………..

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 8:00 pm on Friday, January 4, 2019

It has been a very long time since I’ve been here. At least not for blogging.

Last time I blogged I was still thinking about my sweet girl a lot. I still think about my sweet girl a lot. And I still cry. I still miss her. It’s the new norm. I’ve reached a point and I don’t know if I’ll get past it but I don’t mind where I am.

Exactly where am I anyway? This year I bought a house of my own. A lot of changes have happened, including one I never thought would. After I Patches died I said that I would never adopt another dog. I still have my boy Rooster and he’s going strong at 14 and counting. He still misses her too. But…..I’m adopting another Tripawd. I can’t believe I’m doing it but I’m committed to the decision and I can’t wait to save my new girl.

How did I get here? It’s all because of I made an amazing friend because of my blog. It has been a wonderful connection and we have kept in touch and I even got to meet her in person through my business travels. I’m blessed to have this person as my friend and it’s through her that I found my new tripawd.

My new girl will be arriving in the next few weeks. I’m nervous and I’m excited and I’m happy that I can save another dog in need. I think she will be a sweet friend for Rooster and good for my heart. She won’t replace my girl but when I heard her story, my heart tugged on my head and said “you have room”. And I do. And I didn’t think I did. I’m sure it won’t be without challenges but I have faced far worse and survived. Even thrived. But I will always miss Patches and I know that someday, possibly soon, I will have to say goodbye to Rooster. Even the thought has me crying. I just love hard and don’t handle losing them well at all. I accept that it is just who I am. But I’m still getting to know me and I like the me that will love another baby the way I love my first two canine babies. Hard to believe it but here I am. I have so many thoughts and things to say but for now, I’m just going to say thank you to Rene and the team behind You have made so many things possible and I’m better thanks to you.

More to come on the new adventure.


Debbie and Angel Patches



January 4, 2019 @ 8:21 pm   Reply

This made me smile. After we lost our Fallon, we adopted our Danica quite soon after because our other dog, Maggie, seemed as lost as we were and it was an easy fix. Of course I love her dearly, and no dog replaces any other, they are all unique, but in the back of my mind I would love another Tripawd. Not the cancer, though. On the odd occasion I see Tripawd Greyhounds for adoption who have been stepped on by Mom as pups or injured at racing–maybe one will come up at the right time for us here.
Thanks for the inspiration.

When the time is right, it’s right…so clear the stars are aligned for you. I can’t wait to hear more about your new adventure. ❀❀❀


    January 4, 2019 @ 8:27 pm   Reply

    Your comment made me smile. It’s comments like this, stories like yours and people like you who help me through the tough moments. The happy moments as well. As soon as I committed to adopting the new baby, the tripawds community was the first place I wanted to come and tell my good news to. Thank you for being happy for me and for taking the time to share. It appears that the time is now for me. If I become aware of another tripawd in need, I will let you know. That’s how I found out about the new girl. I can’t wait to share more with you and the rest of my sweet friends here.
    have a great weekend!


January 4, 2019 @ 8:25 pm   Reply

Congratulations! Thanks for the update, we look forward to “meeting” your new friend.


    January 4, 2019 @ 8:30 pm   Reply

    Thank you so much!


January 5, 2019 @ 12:55 am   Reply

Debbie! Hi! So happy to hear this news! I actually was thinking of you the other day, as I was giving my almost-15 year old westie some CBD paste. Weird how some things just pop in your head.

Can’t wait to meet this new lucky girl who is joining your family. OF COURSE your heart is big enough to love another! Our heart-dog angels know this and want us to be happy. Since we lost Nitro, we’ve added 2!! more terriers to the family. I don’t have it in me to get another Dobe, but the “terrorists” have brought much joy to us. The newest addition just turned 9 mos, and his brother is 1 1/2 years…to go along with the senior dude, Kodi.

Looking forward to the upcoming posts as we learn about the latest family member. Congratulations!

Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro


    January 7, 2019 @ 2:31 pm   Reply

    Hi Paula!

    Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing. I wasn’t so worried about my heart as I was worried about my head. My mind can be a scary thing. I felt some guilt but I realized that I’ll never ever stop loving Patches and Rooster, I’ll never forget them, but I’ll be giving another baby a chance for a wonderful life and I’ll love the new baby just as hard as the others. I’m so happy to hear that you’ve added the terrorists to your bunch lol. They sound adorable. I’m happy for you and your new bosses πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to share more news about my new girl. girls actually. I’ve signed on for a a tripawd and a quad-pawd πŸ™‚ More to come about the new adventures.
    Debbie and Angel Patches


January 5, 2019 @ 5:21 am   Reply

Patches sent you qnd Rooster a tripawd??? Grinning ear to ear over herπŸ’–πŸ˜€πŸ˜

Dear sweet Debbie,it’s so good to hear from you. It was such an honor to travel with the adoravle Patches, and you and Rooster on this journey. She tpuched is all….the bond you two had touched us all.

Patches absolutely knows how big your heart is and she knows you will ALWAYS jave room for a dog who needs to be loved❀

And yes, add me to the list of those who adopted a tripawd after my joirney with Happy Hannah. Well, first I got one of those funny looking dogs who have four legs! That was about two months after Happy Hannah headed to the Bridge. Then, about six months after that, I adopted my Coonhound Tripawd Frankie! Yep, once you are owned by a tripawd you always need a tripawd (in a healthy way, of course)!

Like everyone else here, we cannot wait to see pictures and hear more about this lucky dog!! I kmpw Rooster will be glad to have another pal too!

And Debbie, you are indeed a survivor!! Patches taught you a lot about your inner strength and yoir huge capacity to love.

Can’t wait to hear the life lessons this tripawd will teach youπŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

We’ll be anxiously awaiting yoir new arrival!!

Lots of love and Hugs!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah andMerry Myrtle and Frankie too!


    January 7, 2019 @ 2:36 pm   Reply

    Sally, my sweet friend. I’ve missed you. Your words are always so sweet and I can’t help but cry at the kindness and support I have always found here. Thank you for sharing your story too. It helps me so much. It’s been almost three years since patches had to go and it has taken me that long to grapple with the thought of opening up to more babies. Of course it took a Tripawd to complete the transition and I will always be a tripawd mom. I’m actually getting two, like you and like Paula! One four legged (so funny looking lol) and a tripawd. Long story, they have had it very hard. Not sure if I’ll ever be able to share fully what they went through. The pictures of our tripawd broke my heart and as soon as I saw her I knew she was mine. But they will be here shortly and I can’t wait to introduce Rooster to his new sisters (bosses) and hug and love them and tell them all about my little warrior love Patches. Because of her they will have me.
    So happy to hear from you and the gang, thank you for being you and for being so sweet to me.
    hugs and kisses,
    Debbie and angel Patches.

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