Hope, Faith and Patches
Last week was a blow and I took it hard. Â However, Ms. Patches just makes me smile more than I thought I could. Â Because she didn’t really give two shits about what that report said. Â Once she rested up from the stress of that appointment it was back to the business of being a happy dog. Â My God, this dog is so happy. Â All the hugs and kisses and eating and snuggling and smiling…..She couldn’t care less, she’s just happy and she feels great. Â And that makes me smile. Â She is now getting her cannabis oil twice a day, she’s getting Palladia and cyclophosphamide…….not necessarily against my wishes as it was a vote but with assurance that if she doesn’t want it…..she doesn’t have to take it, it meaning her pills. Â We have done all we can do while preserving her quality of life. Â We will continue to do everything we can to preserve her quality of life.
I realized something as I mulled things over last week crying my eyes out whenever I had a moment of privacy. Â I let that report steal my hope and lead me to abandon my faith. Â I can still hope that the cannabis oil somehow takes her cancer away. Â Why not? Â Miracles can happen. Â And I still have faith that no matter what happens, she will not suffer and she will be happy while she’s here with me. Â I know she’s going to heaven when she leaves earth. Â I know I will see her again. Â I know I will miss her while we’re apart. Â Keeping her beyond her time isn’t cool because she’s going to a much happier place.
I’m better this week. Â My head is in the right place. Â I’m still hopeful, my faith is intact and Patches makes me smile. Â Rooster does too. Â Love isn’t what makes the world go around. Â It’s what makes the ride worthwhile.
Debbie and Patches