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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

It’s Canine Nature

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 2:26 pm on Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Yesterday was such a joy for us……Patches was PLAYING in the yard.  My son and I returned home from the dentist and she was out in the yard.  She saw us, came running over and assumed the “stance”.  I think you all know what the stance is….butt in the air, tail wagging, front end down and ready for playing.  She romped around for five minutes with me and her brother.  She was so happy and then she ran up three steps to get to the kitchen (meat) and pushed my son out of the way.

And I started to cry.  I’m not sure why.  I think partly it was seeing her with so much joy and not even letting being a paw down stop her.  Partly because I still feel bad that she had to have a paw taken.  Partly because I feel I should have caught it sooner.  Partly because I wished it never happened……..just so many emotions I didn’t know I still had.  I’m learning that while she is doing great……maybe I still need to work on me.  It’s human nature to look at the big picture.  It’s canine nature to live in the now.  I still have a lot of emotions to sort out.  Sometimes I find myself hugging her and crying my eyes out.  It’s a lengthy journey to acceptance, making peace with the reality.  I hope she has a loooooooong time ahead of her to be joyous.  The important things are that she IS joyous, I have time with her that I didn’t think I had and I’m making the most of every minute I still have her.  Bottom line……Patches is fine.  Mommy is getting there.  With her help and the help of her lovable brother.

What helps the most is this site and the love of friends and family who love Patches and who love me.  Life isn’t easy.  If it was…….it would be called hockey (I’m a figure skater…….it’s ingrained to us to bust on hockey players 🙂

Thank you everyone, more pictures and videos to come.  I have a video of Patches having a doggy dream and barking in her sleep.  Even in her doggy dreams she’s a little three-legged bad-ass.

Have a great day everyone,


Debbie And Patches



   Paula Ehlers

October 21, 2015 @ 3:35 pm   Reply

Yay Debbie and Patches! I totally get your tears of joy…..Nitro is 16 months post amp and I got choked up yesterday watching him do zoomies with his Westie brother. Having three legs hasn’t slowed him down a bit! Here’s to many more joyful days with her.

Paula and Nitro



    October 21, 2015 @ 4:52 pm   Reply

    Thank you Paula. It’s wonderful that Nitro has done so well. I hope we can say the same for our Patches. It’s amazing to see them just be themselves and find joy in everything. It’s me that I have to work on. Sometimes I still get so sad. And mad. And fearful. It’s a process. I’m glad there are other people who feel this same pain and can help ease it for others. Your kind words and your enthusiasm are ALWAYS appreciated.
    have a great day
    Debbie and Patches



October 21, 2015 @ 4:37 pm   Reply

Oh gosh! How well I remember the unbridled jiy at seeing Happy Hannah return to some of her normal routines…pain free and living completely in the moment! The first time she got out of bed and greeted me at the door…the first time she started woo…wooing at me if she wanted a treat…a lot of woo woooing! Yep, tears of joy!

All the other emotions need not interfere with your tears of joy anynore! Patches is sooooo happy! That is what this whole journey is about! Mission accomplished…and still being accomplished! Patches has a lot of living to do and is not missing out on a thing!

I love reading about her progress…and the joy you have in yiur heart watching her rock being a tripawd!

You keep in rockin’ Patches! We love you….and all your pack!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!



    October 21, 2015 @ 6:50 pm   Reply

    Thanks Sally. She was so cute. I loved when she pushed my son out of her way going up the steps. She had to get to her dinner ya know. Steak with rice on the side. I have to get her playing on video. She was smiling and jumping around and it really just hit me how much emotion was in my heart. I’m not sure how my heart hasn’t exploded yet but man, we are overjoyed at her joy. I will continue to post updates and put up the video of her sleep barking. It’s a riot.
    Have a great day,
    Debbie And Patches


October 24, 2015 @ 6:23 pm   Reply

Debbie you put it so eloquently. Acceptance of the situation doesn’t come easy but when it does we are wiser and stronger because of it. I’ll bet it will even translate to your skating (pretty cool you do that!).

Can’t wait for more pics and that badass video!

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