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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Doggy Ain’t Got Time For That

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 2:15 pm on Monday, November 2, 2015

Just when I get myself in a lather Patches gets down to the business of being Patches.  What did that include this weekend now that she’s got her sass back?  Ok, lets see, four little filet mignons (not all at once), running into the neighbors yard to visit Roxie (element of surprise always works for her), going down three steps to get to the back yard and getting up them faster than I can, barking at deer at 2am when she pretended she had to pee and a midnight snack consisting of a good portion of the just bought “save for sandwiches” deli turkey that I’m not supposed to give her.  I’m thinking she can read and after she read my last post she probably wanted to show me that I had my head up my…….pant leg.

Took her a little longer to bounce back but she’s back.  I learned something this weekend.  You can have your dark moments, moments when you don’t know how you can do it another day and then you get your sass back and the world is right again.  I’ve learned to expect the unexpected.  To just embrace the great days and on the not so great days……..we snuggle.  And it’s such a cute snuggle.  Even when she’s not feeling great, she sees us and her tail wags.  She still barks at her frenemy.  I bark at mine.  We have girl time.

I guess I was scared.  My inner warrior must have been on vacation.  I can’t forget that my dog is a Canaan and darn proud of it.  This breed survived over a hundred years in the desert with no human intervention.  In reality, she’s probably taking care of ME.  Canaan’s are usually pretty stoic but she has been doing something really cute.  When we get on the floor with her to snuggle she hits us with her paw, rubs her nose on us and her blanket, sneezes (snots actually) in our faces and lets us spoon her.  And she literally smiles.  The corners or her little mouth go up and she bats her little lashes.  She has me around her little pinky.  She just continues to grow and be happy.   Now it’s my turn.

This is not a job for sissies.  I guess I needed to get my big girl panties out of the dryer and put them on.  They are ON and I put on duct tape for good measure so I don’t lose them again.  As always, my tripawd community got me through a rough patch.  Thank you.  Here’s to the next good patch, a happy Patches and a smarter mommy.  🙂  More pictures and videos to come SOON.


Debbie And Patches



November 2, 2015 @ 8:42 pm   Reply

Atta girl Debbie’! Some days it’s hard to stay grounded. But if we don’t we’re robbing ourselves of precious time. Sounds like you got your Mojo back! If you need us we’re right here with love and hugs for you and Patches.
Linda & Max


    November 3, 2015 @ 8:02 pm   Reply

    Thank you Linda. I guess sometimes you just need to have a little pity party, be tired, break down a little and then get back up stronger than before. I owe it to my pack. And as I sit watching them snooze in the sunny grass content and happy I get it, take it day by day. That’s really all I can do. That and stay strong for them, they need me. I can freak out on my own time lol.
    Always a comfort knowing I’ve got friends in my corner.
    Debbie and Patches


November 4, 2015 @ 1:24 am   Reply

Oh gosh!! I went baxk and caught up on your blo before this GLORIOUS post!!! Trust me, we all understand the emotional ups and downs of this intense journey! Vent ANYTIME…we all jave and we all feel better after we have!!

Love the visual of duct tape holding up your panties 🙂 And if you’re like most of us here, those big girl pants might slip down again every now and then and that’s okay! Its NORMAL on this journeh! Besides, we’ve all got plenty duct tape we can send you!

Patches and Mom jave their sass back and that’s a wonderful thing!!

The visuals of Patches and all her a “I’m feeling great” antics jave me grinning ear to ear!

Standing ovation to you both! And mom, you are a very fast learner! Of course, Patches is a great Professor!!

Lots of love!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Moving on to today!! WOW! What a great day it is!!


    November 5, 2015 @ 3:18 pm   Reply

    Sally, thank you for always lending an ear and providing a kind word…….well LOTS of kind words and support. Everything you say to me helps me get better as I go through this experience. Your wisdom and understanding is special.
    I hope you have a great day 🙂
    Debbie and Patches


November 4, 2015 @ 4:55 am   Reply

You got the message lady, she can totally read your mind, she doesn’t even need words to know what lessons you need most right now. I love that you’ve been finding such joy in the moments that used to seem so ordinary. It’s wonderful you are having that quality time together, what a blessing! I love the moments you are sharing in the blog, it’s what people need to read so they know that it CAN happen again, that magic we have with our dogs when all is right in our world.

Next time she smiles, give her some extra skritches from us. We’re so hoppy for the both of you.


    November 5, 2015 @ 3:16 pm   Reply

    Awwww, thank you. It might take me a while sometimes but I do eventually get the message. I love how you pick up on things that I’m doing that I don’t even notice I’m doing. I AM finding joy in things I used to not give a second thought. Feeling how soft her ears are, looking at her little eyelashes when she sleeps, inhaling her scent when I kiss her and hold her just a little longer……..every second is special. She knows when I need her and I know when she needs me. I sometimes get anxious but I yank myself out of my….er…..pant leg and get back to business. Thank you for your kind words and support.
    Debbie and Patches

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