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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Time Flies

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 3:09 pm on Tuesday, November 17, 2015

I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve posted.  Time is going so fast.  With nothing remarkable to speak of, which is pretty good for me.  Not to say I’m not worried about little things but I’m learning to cope and still find the happy in my days.  I’m blessed with a wonderful job with a wonderful company and we just had our second oncology drug approved yesterday, the second in months, and I’m so proud to work for this company.  Next year will be 25 years and it’s never failed to be exciting, educational, loving and oh my God I thank God every day to work for such a wonderful company.  That being said…….business is booming and so am I.  Work keeps me busy and happy and sometimes distracted whether that be good or bad.  If only they would take on canine osteosarcoma but hey they are making life better for oncology patients and that is huge.  It’s been kind of crazy busy but there’s always time for my family and my dogs.  Maybe not as much time for fun on the internet but that’s ok too lol.

My loves at home keep me focused and it’s nice to have a job that never lets me forget what’s important at the end of the day.  Today we go for our half-way through chemo evaluation.  They are going to do some tests to see if the chemo is helping my girl.  If it is helping we get round four.  If it’s not helping…….we talk.  We can consider trying metronomic therapy or just letting my girl alone to love her life.  And boy does she.  I’ve never seen a dog so happy.  She eats like a dog twice her size.  She loves with a heart as big as a house.  She brings joy and is joyful.  I’m scared sh*tless for today but I’m loving her and supporting her and loving her brother and my human baby and my job and life.  I’m learning from the master.  My dog is strong.  Her love is pure and I cannot believe how much I’m still learning from her every day.  Her transformation is guiding mine.  She is proof that love can conquer all.  It’s a crazy world, Paris made me sad, heartbroken for the people who suffered through that.  It made me hug my babies a little tighter.  The people and dogs in my life are my rock.  I’ve learned that strength is something you choose.  We can take every day lying down or standing up………and sometimes a combination of both.  Whatever the day brings, each one ends with hugs and kisses.  We’ll see what today brings.  Wish us luck.  More to come.


Debbie and Patches



November 18, 2015 @ 5:56 am   Reply

Patches sure is guiding your transformation, and doing it brilliantly! Yiu are a stellar student and zpatches is a superb Professor!!

Thank you for sharing your insight and growing awareness of what it takes to “become more Patches”! You are far stronger than you know!

I’m so glad to hear how well Patches is doing! Patches is clearly enjoying herself and that’s what it’s all about!

Your blogs are thoughtful and heartfelt. And yiur employer is very lucky to have someone as committed and appreciative as you! Thank you again for your insights!

Sending hugs and love to all!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!


    November 18, 2015 @ 4:05 pm   Reply

    Sally… are so sweet. I always feel encouraged after reading your comments. You make me smile and I am always thankful for your kind words. I do write from the heart…….actually it’s stream of consciousness from my head to my fingers but it seems to help me sort everything out better. The fact that I have people here who understand and love like a dog (unconditionally)…… means more to me than I can put into words. There’s a happy tear in my eye, thank you thank you thank you.
    Love and hugs,
    Debbie and Patches

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