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Patches Journey

This site chronicles Patches journey through OSA

Precious Pup

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 5:36 pm on Monday, December 7, 2015

Well…..everything is still going well.  Rooster and Patches played in the yard today, Patches played with me, barked, ate a bunch of lunch meat and took some hella good snoozes.  We are still waiting for the CBD supplements to get here, ETA is sometime today.  I need to figure out a dosing schedule based on some research and then we give it a go.

In the mean time, missy tutu is getting more and more spoi……well, actually, I’m getting more and more trained by her.  This morning I set up my work computer in a different spot in the house.  Well, she let me know that homey don’t play that.  She stared at me and circled and looked back……took me 20 minutes to figure out that she didn’t like the new digs.  I had to relocate back to my old spot.  In front of her little throne with soft bed and blankies.  No biggie.  Then we were hungry.  I put down a nice platter of chicken, rice and lunch meat and got her started feeding her by hand.  And by started I mean I fed her the whole platter by hand.  This dogs plays me like a harp lol and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Oh and I caught her happily munching on hard dog kibble.  She didn’t hear me coming.  She got a shocked look on her face when she saw me and then acted like maybe she was sleep eating and what the hell was with that kibble stuff.  I’m still overjoyed.  She loves that I work from home three days a week and I do too.  We have bonded more than ever  before.  I’d be remiss if I didn’t give an update for her brother.  All of the above except he’s too impatient to be fed by hand.  Boy has some eating to do so he can get back outside and watch the goings on.  Joy to the world indeed, my two dogs are happy.  And so am I.

Until next time,


Debbie and Patches



December 8, 2015 @ 12:02 am   Reply

And we are all happy too! None of us know just how much we can spoil until we are trained by our tripawds to do so! And it is a joy to do so! Yep! We get that!

I love that you are so tuned into Patches and Rooster. I guess it’s also a reflection of how easily you are “trained” by them!!

Yo Patches! Your “homey” caught you eating some kibble! You know that could hurt your chances for hand feed chicken…although I highly doubt it! You have her trained perfectly! Get laser foc before you sneak that kibble. Make sure she’s nowhere around!

Thanks for the delightful update. Yoir blogs are always refreshing and fun!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


    December 9, 2015 @ 6:07 pm   Reply

    LOL, thank you again for the kind words and chuckles. I love my dogs and ALL dogs and I love this site. It’s such a nice community. I laugh and cry right along with everyone. That being said, my two have had me laughing this week. And I will absolutely keep everyone posted on the CBD. My dosing approach is low and slow. I’m using the oil, looks like a thick paste, blackish in color, a small dab about the size of a half grain of rice daily and so far I can’t tell if anything is going on. And nothing may happen at all to outward appearances. The real test will be our five week check up. But until then we keep trucking and blogging. Hugs and kisses!
    Debbie and patches


December 8, 2015 @ 12:06 am   Reply

PS..Update us when you can on what you find out about the CBD and how/when to administer, etc. Paws crossed for excellent results!!


December 8, 2015 @ 12:49 am   Reply

Great update, Debbie…they deserve to be spoiled, just ask Nitro!

Paula and Nitro


    December 9, 2015 @ 6:05 pm   Reply

    Thank you Paula. I think we are well beyond spoiled. I’m getting spoiled getting to spend so much time with her and her brother lol. They just make me smile non-stop. More posts to come, give Nitro a kiss for us.
    Debbie and Patches

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