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Patches Journey

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Oh No She Didn’t :)

Filed under: Uncategorized — careygram at 1:48 pm on Thursday, December 10, 2015

Well…….yes, she did.  Patches Minerva Jane went up a flight of stairs this morning 🙂  Hm.  I saw her looking up the steps through the baby gate yesterday and I figured she was remembering when she had her own “room”- aka the walk in closet she kind of took over as her own.  Well…..this morning she spied the baby gate open momentarily and whoop there it was.  This is the first time since before June that she’s gone up those stairs.  I’d say my girl is feeling FINE.  Yesterday was her second does of the CBD.  I got the oil, more like a black-ish paste, and i put a dot the size of a half grain of rice on whatever treat she will inhale and so far she’s gotten that twice.  I don’t know if that’s what’s making her feel like Wonder Woman but for real girl is doing great.  She’s still eating like a mastiff and guarding the yard from errant and threatening looking leaves and squirrels.  She’s playing, barking, smiling, ya know, being Patches.  There are no words to express what’s in my heart for this happy little dog.  And her brother of course lol.

And the Palladia continues as well.  One thing we’ve done that we weren’t told to do but we’ve done it anyway is that we have given her a pepcid AC every day rather than just on the days she gets the Palladia.  I don’t know if that’s helped or if she just tolerates the Palladia well but she’s doing well with that too.  We make sure that she gets meat and rice for meals and more meat and whatever she wants for snacks and supplements.  She’s holding her own and her weight.  I’m trying to keep an eye on her weight and make sure she doesn’t gain but I gotta be honest…….If she wants to eat…..I feed her.  I can’t say no.  So sue me.  Just seeing her feeling great and doing great….life is short, have the snack.

The holidays are upon us and I’m repeatedly thankful that my dog has done so well.  It will still be a rough holiday.  we lost my grandmom on Monday.  She was 94, happy and adorable.  She was never uncomfortable, she didn’t suffer, she was hospitalized for less than 24 hours and knew she was loved and not alone.  On the same day 37 years ago she lost her husband.  Holidays have never been easy.  But I’m still thankful for so much.  It’s a huge reminder that life really is short, there are no do-overs, it’s not a dress rehearsal.  I feel good about how we’ve handled ourselves and our decisions.  Do I wish that people and pets didn’t have to leave?  Do I even need to ask?

That’s it for now, more to come.  Until then, get the extra hug…….sleep in…….eat the dessert.


Debbie and Patches




December 10, 2015 @ 4:05 pm   Reply

Oh Patches! You are such a delightfully feisty gal! You go girl!!
YAAAAAAAAAY FOR PATCHES, the stair climbing Master! I know that did you a world of good to get back to “normal routines”! It sure made all of us feel good!

It’s just magical to hear how well you are doing. Your updates keep me smiling all day!

I’m sorry to hear about your Grandmom. I know her husband was there to hold her jand as they walked towards the Bridge together and happy.

And Patches, I also gave into giving my Happy Hannah pretty much anything she wanted. Yeah, she got her nutritional stuff and healthy meals, along with a scoop of ice cream, a cupcake every now and then, a couple of chips and pizza crust, just to mention a few. And I’m so glad I did!

You, and Rooster, are the best Christmas gifts ever for your humans! And I know Santa Claus is gping to bring you so many great presents and goodie!

Tha ks for the great update!

Love to all!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!


    December 10, 2015 @ 5:29 pm   Reply

    OMG Sally little girl is eating like a righteous pig! She is so cute. And she does seem rather proud of herself for getting around the baby gate and outsmarting us. What a little stinker. She just makes me laugh and smile. Lately she’s been coming and standing in front of me, staring me in the eye and wagging her tail. Which means get up mommy I want something. So I get up and follow her. Most of the time it’s to the kitchen, other times it’s to go outside. No rest for the weary. And thank you for the kind words about my grandmom. I know someone was there to get her not sure who but the Monday before this one past she told my aunt “I’m not going with those people tonight” and when my aunt asked her who she was talking about them she said “never mind”. My aunt thought she was confused. I think she wanted just a little more time. This past Monday she was talking to my mom and she stopped and looked past my mom and looked confused. I know she was surrounded by people who love her and were waiting to take her over. I’m still going to miss her but man, she lived so well and was such a happy lady and strong matriarch. I’m lucky to have had a grandmother for as long as I did. I never stop counting or being grateful for my blessings. And Patches doing so well is one of them. You always cheer me up. Thank you. I know Santa will be good to you and yours as well. How could he not? you help him bring joy to the world xoxo.
    Debbie and Patches


December 11, 2015 @ 3:25 am   Reply

Debbie, first, let me say how sorry I am about your grandma. I’ll be that she was an amazing lady, to have lived so long on this earth and be happy and full of life until the very end says a lot about a person. What a weird coincidence that she passed on the same day as her hubby. Wow.

Now about those stairs…oh that Patches! But yeah that is a good sign, she is feelin’ fine and eating well. Enjoy every moment, this is what it’s all about.


    December 15, 2015 @ 11:07 pm   Reply

    Thank you so much. She was truly amazing and she left the world a little less bright. I know she’s in a better place but man…… I MISS her.

    And miss Patches……I am doubly appreciative of every minute I’m getting with her.
    Thank you!
    Debbie And Patches


December 11, 2015 @ 5:02 am   Reply

Debbie, I just have to share about my mom’s transition. I agree with you, it’s not “confusion” as one’s earthly energy is in the process of transferring to another dimension. I’ve been with two loved ones as their earthly journey was “ending”. And whatever they said, I always carried on a conversation with them based on wherever they “were”. Never did I say, or think, they were confused. Anyway, getting to the point finally…..

My Grandfather (her Dad whom she adored) passed many years before. Mom was speaking very little at this point when she told me, “Daddy’s on the porch.” I asked, “Do you want me to let him in?” She said, “No, just let him know I’ll come out to the porch and be with him in a little while.” Just like your Grandmon, my Mom decided to stay just a couple of days longer.

And As I’ve said many times avout this site, it’s not “just” about tripawds!!

Thank you for your kind words sweet Debbie. You and Patches have forged out a special place in my heart. I @pve how Patches is so aware you are putty in his paws! 🙂

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